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How to become an NLP engineer in 2024?

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, where human-machine interactions are becoming increasingly sophisticated, the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has emerged as a pivotal force. NLP, a branch of artificial intelligence, focuses on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. From voice assistants to sentiment analysis and language translation, NLP is revolutionizing how we communicate and interact with technology. Hence, in this article, I’m going to help you become an NLP engineer (not if you don’t want to).

As an NLP engineer, you have the opportunity to shape the future of human-computer interaction and contribute to groundbreaking advancements in various industries. But how does one embark on the path to becoming an NLP engineer? In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the practical steps, skills, and knowledge needed to thrive in this exciting field.

And oh! If you think that NLP came with ChatGPT and Google Bard, you couldn’t be more wrong. We’ve been using NLP for at least a decade. For example, Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa. Crazy, right?

What Exactly is NLP and How to become NLP Engineer?

NLP is a field that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. It involves developing algorithms and models to enable machines to understand, interpret, and generate natural language. NLP encompasses a wide range of tasks, including sentiment analysis, machine translation, information extraction, and question-answering systems.

2024 is the easiest time to get an NLP engineer job. Why? Huge demand, short supply.

Now, to learn how to become an NLP engineer, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamental concepts and terminology in this field. Understand the process of text processing, which involves cleaning and preparing raw text data for analysis. Learn about tokenization, the process of breaking text into individual units, such as words or phrases. Additionally, explore parsing, which involves analyzing the grammatical structure of sentences.

Sounds complex and scary? Don’t worry, I’ll break it down for you in chunks. But first, here are some pre-requisites that you need to have:

1. Mathematics and Statistics

A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do! You can’t run from mathematics, and it sucks, I know.

Mathematics and statistics form the backbone of NLP, providing the necessary tools to process and analyze language data effectively. A solid understanding of these fields is essential for working with NLP algorithms and models.

All in all, you need to build up mathematical skills, preferably in Linear Algebra, Probability & Statistics, and Calculus. Now, the second:

2. Programming Skills

When talking about technology, it is evident that you need to learn programming languages.

But there are many. What programming language do you need to become an NLP engineer? Here goes:

Python is arguably the most popular choice due to its extensive ecosystem of NLP libraries. Being an NLP engineer (or student), you need to work on various Python libraries such as NLTK, spaCy, and Gensim.

Now, in the next section, we’ll explore educational paths and resources to further your knowledge and expertise as an NLP engineer.

Also read: Best NLP Books to read in 2024!

Steps to Becoming an NLP Engineer

Becoming an NLP engineer is an exciting journey, and no, you don’t necessarily require a traditional college degree. (And no, we don’t talk about degrees or certifications. If you’re a follower of FuelEd, you’d know!)

By following these steps, you can build a strong foundation in NLP and develop the skills needed to become a full-fledged NLP engineer.

Step 1: Understand the Basics

Start by familiarizing yourself with the fundamental concepts of NLP. Online platforms such as Coursera, edX, and Udacity offer multiple introductory courses on NLP and related topics. I recommend the following courses:

  • Natural Language Processing” by Stanford University on Coursera
  • Deep Learning Specialization” by deeplearning.ai on Coursera (specifically, the NLP-focused courses)
  • Practical Natural Language Processing” by IBM on Coursera

Step 2: Practice Relevant Python Libraries

Python is the go-to programming language for NLP. Mastering Python will be invaluable throughout your NLP journey. Start with interactive tutorials and exercises on platforms like Codecademy and Kaggle Learn. Additionally, explore specific NLP libraries such as:

  • Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK): It is a comprehensive and dedicated library for NLP in Python.
  • spaCy: It is a powerful library for NLP tasks like tokenization, named entity recognition, and part-of-speech tagging.
  • Gensim: A library for topic modeling and document similarity analysis.

Step 3: Dive into Machine Learning

Machine learning is at the heart of many NLP applications. Hence, you also need to gain a solid understanding of machine learning algorithms and techniques. The following courses will be beneficial:

  • Machine Learning” by Stanford University on Coursera
  • Applied Data Science with Python” by the University of Michigan on Coursera (specifically, the NLP-focused courses)
  • Practical Deep Learning for Coders” by fast.ai (includes NLP applications)

Step 4: Get Hands-On with NLP Projects

Apply your knowledge by working on practical NLP projects. Kaggle, a platform for data science competitions, offers NLP challenges and datasets to practice your skills. Additionally, consider creating your own NLP projects.

Here are three beginner, intermediate, and advanced NLP projects to help you progress in your journey as an NLP engineer:

Beginner Projects:

  1. Sentiment Analysis: Build a model that can classify the sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral) of a given text.
  2. Text Classification: Create a text classifier that can categorize news articles, customer reviews, or support tickets into predefined categories.
  3. Named Entity Recognition (NER): Develop a system that can identify and classify named entities (such as person names, organizations, and locations) in a given text.

Intermediate Projects:

  1. Question Answering: Build a system that can answer questions based on a given context. Use techniques like reading comprehension models (e.g., BERT, GPT) and explore datasets like SQuAD (Stanford Question Answering Dataset) for training and evaluation.
  2. Text Summarization: Create a model that can generate concise summaries of longer texts, such as articles or documents. Experiment with techniques like extractive summarization (based on important sentences) or abstractive summarization (using deep learning models).
  3. Language Translation: Develop a machine translation system that can translate text between different languages. Utilize datasets like WMT (Workshop on Machine Translation) or TED Talks translations to train your translation model.

Advanced Projects:

  1. Language Generation: Build a language generation system capable of generating coherent and contextually relevant text. Explore techniques like recurrent neural networks (RNNs) with attention mechanisms or advanced transformer-based models like GPT-3.
  2. Chatbot Development: Create an intelligent chatbot that can understand and respond to user queries or engage in conversation. Utilize techniques such as natural language understanding (NLU) and natural language generation (NLG) to build a conversational agent.
  3. Text Style Transfer: Develop a system that can transfer the style or tone of a given text to match a different style, such as changing a formal text to informal or vice versa. Experiment with style transfer approaches like unsupervised or supervised methods using style-specific datasets.

Remember, these project ideas are starting points, and you can modify and expand them based on your interests and learning goals.

As you progress, try to tackle more challenging projects that align with your desired specialization or research interests within NLP. Good luck with your NLP journey!

Step 6: OSS and Community

Participating in open-source NLP projects is a great way to collaborate with experienced developers and give back to the NLP community. In addition to contributing to popular NLP libraries like NLTK and spaCy, there are many other ways to become involved in the community.

For example, you might attend conferences or meetups, join online forums or discussion groups, or even start your own open-source project. By participating in these activities, you can not only expand your knowledge of NLP but also develop your skills and build your professional network.

Furthermore, contributing to open-source projects can be a valuable addition to your resume, as it demonstrates your ability to work collaboratively with others and your commitment to ongoing learning and growth.

But What does an NLP engineer do?

An NLP engineer is like a language wizard who uses computer science to understand and work with human language. They develop algorithms and models that help computers understand and process text, speech, and other forms of human communication.

Their work involves tasks like text classification, sentiment analysis, machine translation, and chatbot development. They use programming languages like Python and powerful NLP libraries such as NLTK and spaCy to build intelligent systems.

NLP engineers also explore the world of machine learning and deep learning to train models that can recognize patterns and make predictions from language data. They work on projects that involve data cleaning, feature engineering, and model evaluation.

Ultimately, their goal is to make computers smarter in understanding human language, enabling them to assist us in various applications like virtual assistants, language translation, sentiment analysis for social media, and much more.


In the rapidly evolving world of technology, Natural Language Processing (NLP) is transforming human-computer interactions. As an NLP engineer, you have the power to build cool things and shape this future.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, mastering the fundamentals, honing your programming skills, and undertaking hands-on projects, you can become a proficient NLP engineer. To add stars to this process, start open-source contributions and engage with the community to enhance your knowledge and network.

Want to learn more about NLP and its applications? Read these articles by FuelEd:

Unlocking the Power of NLP with ChatGPT: A Guide for Developers

The Power of Natural Language Processing: A Beginner’s Guide

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