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Landing a High-Paying Web Development Job in 5 Months

Tanishka’s journey to becoming a front end developer and securing a high-paying web development job in just 5 months is a testament to determination, hard work, and a commitment to learning. Tanishka started with a basic understanding of HTML and CSS, but quickly moved on to become a sought-after front end developer in the tech industry. In this Friends of Fountane edition, we’ll explore Tanishka’s journey and the tips she offers for those looking to follow in her footsteps, as she shares how to become a front end developer and get front end developer jobs with ease.

Getting Started with the Fundamentals

Tanishka’s journey began in January 2022, with a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. She was eager to learn everything from the ground up and started with Freecodecamp’s HTML and CSS tutorials. Tanishka supplemented these tutorials with YouTube videos from other front end developers and challenges from FrontEndMentor, which helped her build a solid foundation in HTML and CSS.

One of the biggest advantages of learning HTML and CSS is that it gives you a solid foundation for all future web development jobs. HTML is the markup language used to create the structure of a website, while CSS is used to style and make the website visually appealing. With HTML and CSS, you can create simple web pages with text, images, and links.

Every answer of ‘how to become a front end developer’ or ‘how to become a full stack developer’ starts with “Learn HTML and CSS”. It’s a non-negotiable.

Frontend roadmap

Learning JavaScript

Once Tanishka had a good grasp of HTML and CSS, she moved on to JavaScript (JS). She honed her skills on FreeCodeCamp, read through the documentation, followed the Namaste JS series from a YouTube channel, and built projects like a weather app, calculator, and to-do list app. Tanishka’s hard work paid off, as she was now able to create dynamic and interactive web applications.

JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language for web development. It is the language that brings dynamic and interactive elements to web applications, such as forms, pop-ups, animations, and more. JavaScript is a crucial skill for any web or full stack developer to have, as it opens up a world of possibilities for what you can create.

Tip for beginners: Hands-on practice and knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript alone can fetch you a beginner web development job.

Diving in ReactJS and TailwindCSS

Tanishka’s next step was to learn ReactJS, a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. She followed a Scrimba course and started with learning the basics of ReactJs while building minor projects. After having a stern control on it, she learned about Styled components, TailwindCSS, Material-UI Redux, and Firebase. Tanishka integrated all she had learned so far into several major projects, making her a well-rounded web developer.

ReactJS is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components, which makes the development process faster and more efficient. Most of the web development jobs (even full stack development jobs) require React as a non-negotiable skill.

TailwindCSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows you to build custom user interfaces quickly and easily. Redux is a state management library that makes it easier to manage the state of your application. And firebase is a real-time database that allows you to store and retrieve data in real-time, making it easier to build real-time applications.

Landing a Web Development Job

Tanishka applied for several internships and was selected for a few of them, but the pay was not what she was looking for. She knew what her skills were worth and had confidence in her abilities. Soon after, a friend referred her to Parentune, where she landed a role of SDE Intern (Front-end). She worked there for two months and, when college placement started, she was offered an 11-month internship at MiQ Digital.

Tanishka’s dedication to her craft and her willingness to learn impressed MiQ, and she may have the opportunity to take on a full-time role after the internship. With all these going on, she started sharing her knowledge of web development on Twitter. Within months, she built a whooping following of 12k+ followers. She now creates content for budding web developers and guides them to where she is now!

Recently she started giving free mentorship to aspiring developers and software engineers who are either looking out to get a web development job which aligns with their goals or looking out to make a switch to web development. She has successfully completed 35+ sessions within 2 months now.

How to become a Front end developer?

This section can also be answered for ‘how to become a full stack developer’. Tanishka’s journey is a testament to what’s possible with hard work and dedication. If you’re looking to get front end developer jobs, here are some tips she’d like to offer:

  1. Start with HTML and CSS: HTML and CSS are the building blocks of web development. Start by learning these two languages and building projects to practice your skills.
  2. Learn JavaScript: JavaScript is the language that brings dynamic and interactive elements to web applications. Start learning JavaScript once you have a good grasp of HTML and CSS.
  3. Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice, the better you’ll become. Build projects, complete challenges, and never stop learning.
  4. Learn ReactJS: ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It will make you a more well-rounded web developer.
  5. Learn version control: Get familiar with version control systems such as Git, and learn how to use it to manage code and collaborate with others.

This is more than enough if you want to become a front end developer. However, if you wish to become a full stack developer, follow along:

  1. Server-side language: Learn a server-side language such as Python, Ruby, or PHP for back-end development.
  2. Learn a framework: Familiarize yourself with a framework such as Django, Ruby on Rails, or Express.js to speed up your development process.
  3. Learn a database: Learn how to use a database such as MySQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL to store and retrieve data.
  4. Work on real-world projects: Participate in open-source projects, work on freelance projects, or contribute to existing projects to get practical experience as a full-stack developer.
  5. Networking and Building Connections: Networking and building connections is crucial for success in any industry. Reach out to people in the tech industry and attend events to build your network.

Can you get a Web Development Job?

Tanishka is an active member of the FuelEd community and came forth willingly to share her story. Tanishka’s journey to becoming a successful front end developer serves as an inspiration to anyone looking to start a career in web development. Tanishka offers valuable tips for those looking to follow in her footsteps, including the importance of starting with HTML and CSS, learning JavaScript, ReactJS, Tailwind CSS, and familiarizing yourself with version control systems.

Tanishka followed these steps herself and got a high-paying web development job. She did it, countless others did it, and you can do it too. The journey of becoming a front end developer, web developer, or a full stack developer is all the more same (just a few more technologies to learn as you proceed). There are a ton of front end developer jobs in the market and anyone can strive for that with dedication, hard work, and some Fuel.

Stay FuelEd.

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